Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sydney Noreasters.

The image above shows Chris and Bob clawing their way up the face of a solid wind driven wave.

The crest of this wave is about topple onto Chris whilst Bob sneaks past this one only to be "surprised" by a similar wave on the way home.

There is a sense of randomness about these toppling crests and sooner or later your brace, balance and composure will be tested in these conditions.

This photo was taken approximately 2 nautical miles due east of Bluefish Point in deep water. The observations from nearby Western Harbour Channel lighthouse and Little Bay AWS were both in the mid to high 20knot range for most of the day prior to and during the paddle providing us with a "developed sea".

The group of seven used a buddy system with a skilled rescuer in each pair and the group leader was a free agent to oversee the group. VHF protocols were implemented and radios used. Full safety kit was carried and the rescue and self rescue skills of the senior paddlers were tested and current. A float plan was lodged with a reliable land contact. With all these precautions in place the group were able to challenge the skills of the less experienced members without running out of resources.

A couple of rescues, rolls and one very important high brace saw the group safely back inside the harbour before dark - an exhilirating afternoon made possible by our teamwork and mutual respect for the sea.

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